Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Bab 1 Greetings And Introductions dan Kunci Jawaban
Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Bab 1 Greetings And Introductions dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan soal
- Jumlah soal isian singkat = 15
- Jumlah soal uraian = -
Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X ) huruf A, B atau C!
1. Introuction in Indonesian is ....
a. Berjumpa
b. Perkenalan
c. Selamat pagi
2. Good afternoon in Indonesian is ....
a. Selamat pagi
b. Selamat siang
c. Selamat sore
3. We say ... in the morning.
a. good afternoon
b. good evening
c. Good morning
4. In the evening, you say ....
a. Good morning
b. Good evening
c. Good afternoon
5. A : “How are you?”
B : “ I ..... fine.”
a. Am
b. Are
c. Is
6. Sinta : “Hello, Rina!”
Rina : “ .... ”
a. Fine
b. Oke
c. Hello
7. Selamat sore Rina
The English senteces is ...
a. Good morning Rina
b. Good evening Rina
c. Good Night Rina
8. Roni : “What is your name?”
Dini : “My ... is Dini.”
a. Hobby
b. Family
c. Name
9. Riko : “How are you Reza?”
Reza : “ I am .... “
a. Name
b. Fine
c. Morning
10. Goodbye in Indonesian is ....
a. Senang betemu
b. Sampai jumpa
c. Sampai besok
11. N – I - R– N – O – G – M
The correct word is ....
a. Evening
b. Morning
c. Warning
12. N – A – F – O – T – R – O – E – N
The correct word is ....
a. Good morning
b. Football
c. Afternoon
13. M – E – R – T – O – H
The correct word is ....
a. Mother
b. Father
c. Brother
14. are – you – how - ?
The correct order is ....
a. how you are ?
b. are how you ?
c. How are you?
15. Evening – good – Santi
The correct order is ....
a. Santi good, evening
b. Good evening, Santi
c. Good Santi, evening
16. name – is – my – Ratna
The correct order is ....
a. My name is Ratna
b. My is name Ratna
c. Ratna is name my
17. meet - you – nice – to
The correct order is ....
a. Nice to you meet
b. Nice to meet you
c. To meet you nice
18. Bagaimana kabarmu in english is ....
a. Nice to meet you
b. How are you
c. What is your name
19. Rani : “I will go to school. See you, father.”
Mr. Bagus : “See you .... , Rani.”
a. Morning
b. Later
c. Fine
20. Sari : “Are .... Fika?”
Fika : “Yes, I am.”
a. Mother
b. My
c. You
Text to number 21 - 25
Hello friends
My name is Bayu
I am nine years old
I am form Surabaya
My hobby is football
Mrs. Diana is my mother
She is a teacher
Mr. Ahmad is my father
He is a carpenter
21. Who is the text?
a. Rina
b. Diana
c. Bayu
22. Bayu’s father is a ....
a. Teacher
b. Carpenter
c. Football
23. Bayu is .... years old
a. Eight
b. Nine
c. Teen
24. Mrs. Diana is a ....
a. Teacher
b. Nurse
c. Doctor
25. What is Bayu’s Hobby?
a. Playing kite
b. Football
c. Basket Ball
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Isilah titik-titik yang ada dengan jawaban yang benar!
1. Riki : “What is yourname?”
Agus : “My ..... is Agus.
2. In the afternoon, I say good ....
3. You say good morning in the ....
4. Joko : “How are .... ?”
Andi : “I am fine”.
5. Mr. Jaka : “Good morning, students.”
Students : “........ .............., sir.”
6. Selamat siang in english is ....
7. Apa kabarmu in english is ....
8. I am fine
In Indonesian is ....
9. See you, Ahmad
In indonesian is ....
10. R – F – E – N – D – S – I
The correct word is ....
11. D - U – N – E – T – S – T
The corect word is ....
12. C – A – R – E – H - E – T
The correct word is ....
13. Night – Good – Siska
The correct word is ....
14. Your – what – is – name - ?
The correct order is ....
15. Name – Sintia – is – my
The correct order is ....
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- > Soal Online Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Bab 1 Greetings And Introductions
1. b. Perkenalan
2. b. Selamat siang
3. c. Good morning
4. b. Good evening
5. a. Am
6. c. Hello
7. b. Good evening Rina
8. c. Name
9. b. Fine
10. b. Sampai jumpa
11. b. Morning
12. c. Afternoon
13. a. Mother
14. c. How are you?
15. b. Good evening, Santi
16. a. My name is Ratna
17. b. Nice to meet you
18. b. How are you
19. b. Later
20. c. You
21. c. Bayu
22. b. Carpenter
23. b. Nine
24. a. Teacher
25. b. Football
1. Name
2. Afternoon
3. Morning
4. You
5. Good morning
6. Good Afternoon
7. How are you?
8. Saya baik-baik saja
9. Sampai jumpa, Ahmad
10. Friends
11. Student
12. Teacher
13. Good night Siska
14. What is your name?
15. My name is Sintia
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